
Earning a nursing degree can be a fantastic first step toward starting a fulfilling career. 如果你成功进入护理行业, you’ll be able to help countless people and make a positive impact through your work. 

为此目的, 如果你有兴趣攻读这个学位, you may be curious to learn more about the different careers that may be available to you when you are a nursing graduate. 护理的领域是广阔而多样的, 毕竟, and there are multiple different paths you can take depending on your preferences. 

在本指南中, we’ll explore some of the most popular paths in nursing and how pursuing a higher degree can open various doors in your nursing career. 



One of the most wonderful aspects of a nursing career is how wide-ranging opportunities can be for professionals. 护理 jobs come in many different responsibilities, so there are numerous 护士的种类 符合你的兴趣. 

Individuals who are considering pursuing academic training in this field often find themselves wondering, 有了护理学位你能做什么?

In this section, we’ll go over the assortment of jobs that nursing school graduates may occupy. 


The following positions are what most people think of when they picture a nurse. If your priority is seeing patients face-to-face and assisting with the daily operations of a hospital or other healthcare facility, 你可能对探索这些途径感兴趣. 

  • 医院护士 -这种类型的护士通常在医院环境中找到, 但其他医疗机构也雇用他们. 他们的护理工作需要为病人提供日常保健. 他们还通过测量病人的生命体征来帮助医生, 进行诊断测试, 和更多的. 
  • 护士长 – This type of registered nurse handles the supervision of a particular unit of a healthcare facility. In addition to completing the usual patient care duties that a staff nurse would handle, charge nurses are also responsible for ensuring smooth operations across their designated wards. 
  • 护士经理 – These professionals are in charge of upper management and administration. 他们经常承担各种各样的职责,比如培训, 招聘, 调度, 监督, 并确保遵守法律和安全最佳做法.


一个常见的误解是,所有的护士都是亲自动手工作的, clinical setting where they make direct contact with patients on a daily basis. 

正相反, there are many opportunities available for registered nurses who want to take on a more theoretical, 实验室, 或者管理角色. 

Four common career options that fall outside of the clinical realm include: 

  1. 护理教育
  2. IT
  3. 研究
  4. 医疗管理


If you picture yourself striving for higher positions in the nursing industry, 获得硕士学位为自己的成功做好准备是明智的. 有了护理硕士学位你能做什么? 获得MSN可以带来以下机会:1

  • 许多行业都需要硕士学位的员工
  • 这个学位可以让你在职场中拥有更多的自主权
  • The deeper study that comes with obtaining a master’s degree expands your overall base of knowledge and expertise

如果你渴望拥有 护士执行 在行业中的地位 护理学硕士学位 program at Alliant International University could be your ideal starting point. 我们的课程提供: 

  • 丰富的教育机会 – Alliant provides hands-on, real-world training at a state-of-the-art simulation center. The curriculum is also aligned with the latest American Association of Colleges of 护理 Essentials, so you can be sure you’re getting the most relevant nursing education possible. 此外,学习是由创新的工具和技术补充. 
  • 教师专业知识 -我们聘请了各种各样的高技能教师, 我们的小班授课意味着你可以很容易地提出问题, 接受反馈和建议, 并在你的教育之旅中获得持续的支持. 
  • 未来的职业福利 – Because our MSN program is a direct entry program, students don’t need to have a 护理学学士学位 应用. 只要学生拥有相关领域的学士学位, they can fast-track their future careers by working toward their 护理学硕士学位 without starting back at square one. 

最终,护理硕士学位是一个 聪明的目标, 尤其是如果你想成为一名护士主管的话, 护士研究员, 护士管理员, 或者护士教育工作者.  对于已经在相关领域获得学士学位的个人, applying to the MSN Direct Entry program at Alliant may be the best path toward achieving that goal in less time.  


如果你想知道, 有了护理学位你能做什么,答案是相当多. 你是否对传统的护理工作感兴趣, 比如成为精神科护士或临床护士长, 或者你对非临床的机会很好奇, 比如医疗管理或者法律护士顾问, a nursing degree can help put you on the best path forward for patient care. 

If you’re excited about the prospect of starting a career in the nursing industry and are looking for 亚利桑那州凤凰城的护理项目,选择阿连特国际大学. Our 护理学学士学位 and master’s of science direct entry programs will provide you with access to state-of-the-art learning facilities, 专家教师, and numerous hands-on training opportunities so that you can start your nursing journey strong. 

适用于今天 开始你的旅程. 


  1. 里斯,唐娜MSN,注册护士,CSN. 《beat365手机版官方网站》!“护理Process. n.d. http://www.nursingprocess.org/msn-is-worth-it.html. 于2023年9月15日生效.
  2. 格里森,布兰迪,MSN, MHA, BC-NC. 护理硕士学位的类型.“NurseJournal. 2023年7月21日. http://nursejournal.org/degrees/msn/types-of-masters-degrees-in-nursin..。. 于2023年9月15日生效. 




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